Our products at a glance:

It's a long way from raw materials through the mixture to the finished stone. Many plant components are involved in this process. Only if the system components are matched, can one be assured of a smooth process and economical operation of the block making plant. Learn about our Concrete block production plants.

The manufacturing of autoclaved aerated concrete products demands high standards for mixing and dosing of the aggregates, the control of the fermentation process and the control of each production step. Masa's aerated concrete installations are proven advanced technology processes, designed according to customers specific requirements. This approach allows complete solutions to ensure highly efficient, optimised processes resulting in consistent final product quality. Learn more about our plants for the production of AAC.

It's a long way from raw materials through the mixture to the finished sand lime bricks. Many plant components are involved in this process. Only if the system components are matched, can one be assured of a smooth process and economical operation of the sand lime brick production plant. Learn about our Sand lime brick production plants.

It's a long way from raw materials over mixture to the finished (Kerb)stone. Masa Kerbstone presses were developed to fulfill among other criteria, the special requirements of the "British Standard" kerbstones. This "British Standard" is still a condition in countries of the Middle East and the UK. Learn about our Kerbstone production plants.

Our service:

Masa plants and machines are installed and commissioned by our own experienced fitters. Masa relies on qualified personnel, trained in Germany. Read more about the assembly and commissioning of your production line.

The Masa Lifetime service extends far beyond the actual assembly and commissioning of a plant. Masa can rely on specific know-how and an industry experience of more than 110 years. Find out more about the wide range of Masa Lifetime services.

Do you need support with your machine? Masa Support scores in both quality and significantly improved accessibility. Whether "first aid" for technical problems, updates, functional expansions of your production plant or technical questions, the know-how provided by Masa Support covers a wide range of services. Get information now.

One of the keys to increasing productivity and quality is continuous training of the machine and maintenance personnel.
The acquired know-how will pay off quickly: You and your employees only know how good a Masa machine or plant actually is, if all functions, tricks and fine adjustments are known. Learn more about Masa Customer training.

Are you looking for your contact? The Masa Service team introduces itself. All contact details can be found here.

Your 24/7 Online Access to your Masa Plant’s Technical Documentation Get informed now

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Data protection declaration

The trust of our customers is our most important resource.


and Cookie Policy

last update: 15th May 2018

This data privacy and cookie policy applies to the following websites:


In case you visit pages outside of this website, please get information from there about the handling of your data.

Content of the data protection policy

1 Data protection at a glance
2 Who we are and what do we do
3 Call and general use of the website
4 Use of special functions of the website
5 Explanation for cookies
6 Use of third party provider technologies
7 Forwarding of information to third parties
8 Your rights
9 Contact and data privacy officer
10 Amendments of this data privacy and cookie policy

1 Data protection at a glance

The instructions under this clause give you a brief overview of the personal data we collect and process from you, when you visit this website and how we and the third party providers use cookies and similar technologies. Detailed information about our handling of personal data as well as about your rights is given in the subsequent clauses of this data privacy and cookie policy.

In order that you can visit this website and make use of our services, we collect, process and use the following categories of personal data.

Access data: Each time you visit this website, our web-servers temporarily record technical data, which your browser sends automatically to us. These include browser type, operating system used and the time when you opened the page. In doing so, the IP address of the requesting system is also recorded. We process this data, including the IP address, exclusively for the technical administration of the website, for detecting misuse and removal of defects. [ read more ]

Personal data, which you send to us: In the scope of using special functions of this website. These include e-mail address as well as other information, which is necessary for providing and using the respective service. [ more details ]. The same also applies when registering for our newsletter. Gleiches gilt bei Anmeldung für unseren Newsletter. [ read more ]

Usage data: Apart from this, we also collect information about your use of this website and the offers provided, such as the time and duration of page interaction, sub-pages visited, search queries made and clicks on banners and links. We use the information collected for different purposes, particularly for understanding the needs and preferences of the visitors to our website in a better way so that we can improve the website and its functions, in order to create a usage profile and to be able to show you more personalised and more relevant contents and offers. [ read more ]

Cookies and similar technologies: We collect these usage data automatically by using cookies and similar technologies. To some extent, we save the unique identifiers in cookies, in order to recognise your browser again the next time you visit. [ read more ]

Third party technologies: We also use analysis, tracking and advertising technologies of third party service providers or allow them to use cookies and similar technologies on this website. These third parties include service providers and advertising networks, who help us to understand better how you use our website and our offers so that we can present to you more relevant and more personalised offers. These third party providers can also use data for identifying your device, for instance, the IP address or other unique device IDs. [ read more ]

Forwarding/sending to third parties: We forward your personal data to a third party (business partner or service provider) only when this is necessary for the purpose of presenting this website and our services, we are committed or authorised to do this contractually or you have given your consent for this. Sometimes, we also work together with service providers outside of the European Union (EU)/the European Economic Community (EEC). However, we work exclusively with those companies that offer an appropriate level of data privacy according to the specifications of DSGVO. [ read more ]

2 Who we are and what do we do

This website gives you information about Masa GmbH and its product portfolio as well as its services.

Operator of this website (“Website”) is

Masa GmbH
Masa-Straße 2
56626 Andernach
(hereinafter referred to as “Masa”, “we”, “us”).

We use your data under consideration of the applicable data privacy provisions, particularly the General Data Protection Regulation (“DS-GVO”). Provided that we obtain your consent for the processing of your personal data (e.g., in the scope of newsletter subscription), Art. 6 Para 1 S. 1 lit. a DS-GVO, Art. 6 Para 1 S. 1 lit. b DS-GVO and Art. 6 Para 1 S. 1 lit. c DS-GVO act as the legal basis for processing and storing this data. For all other processing sequences in the scope of using this website, Art. 6 Para 1 S. 1 lit. f DS-GVO acts as the legal basis. According to this, the processing of personal data is permissible for preserving justified interests, unless the interests of the affected person are predominant.

3 Call and general use of the website
3.1 Log data (log files)

Each time this website is opened, our servers automatically store the general access data through this process in the server log files.

These files include:

  • the website opened
  • the IP address of the requesting system
  • information about the type of browser and the version used
  • the operating system used

We do not merge this data with other sources of data. The temporary storage of the IP address in log files is necessary for technical reasons and for ensuring the system security, particularly for detecting misuse. Our justified interest in data processing according to Art. 6 Para 1 S. 1 lit. f DSGVO also lies in this purpose.

We delete the data as soon as they are no longer necessary for achieving the purpose for which they were collected. The IP addresses of the users are truncated or deleted by no later than after 14 days.

3.2 Other data, which we collect actively

Moreover, we also actively collect further information about the use of the website and the offers.

This includes the following information:

  • Java On / Off
  • Cookies On / Off
  • Shortened IP address (the last three digits are deleted)
  • Referrer URL (the page visited earlier)
  • Operating system
  • Date and time of visit
  • Information about page interaction (such as scroll height, clicks and mouse movements)
  • Time and duration of the page interactions
  • Sub-pages visited and the respective length of stay
  • Search queries made
  • Clicks on banners and links

We collect this information automatically by means of cookies and similar technologies, whereby selected third party technologies are also used (see here also Clause 6). To some extent, unique identifiers are stored in the cookies, so that your browser can be recognised again the next time you visit. In doing so, the identifiers do not lead to any direct inference about your identity. Detailed information about the cookies and similar technologies used by us is given in our [ Cookie Policy ].

We process the mentioned information for the following purposes:

  • for providing and improving our services
    This contains the use of information for managing and improving the technical and functional aspects of this website. We also use the information for improving our service, to design the website as more user-friendly as well as to optimise the selection of contents and functionalities.
  • for providing personalised offers
    We also use this information to customise our contents and offers to your requirements. For this purpose, we create pseudonymous usage profiles with the help of cookies. These usage profiles help us in understanding the needs and preferences of our users in a better way so that we can show you more personalised and usage-based contents and offers on this website. The pseudonymous usage profiles do not contain any information, which can lead us directly to your identity. We also do not merge the usage profiles with data, which directly identify the carriers of the pseudonyms (e.g., e-mail address), unless you explicitly give us your consent to do this (for instance, in the scope of subscribing to the newsletter according to Clause 4.2 of this data privacy policy).

We process the data only for so long as is necessary to fulfil the purposes mentioned above. Thereafter, the data is deleted.

In doing so, the pseudonymous user profiles are stored for maximum 24 months.

4 Use of special functions of the website
4.1 E-mail contact

On our website, we offer you to get in touch with us via e-mail.

The respective data from the e-mail are sent automatically to our employee responsible for processing the customer requests.

The processing of the personal data from the e-mail is meant solely for processing your request.

The personal data, which is transmitted by you when you take up contact with us, are stored for the duration of the respective conversation with you, at the most for 6 months after the end of the conversation, unless there are legally prescribed longer periods of preservation in the individual case. The conversation is considered as ended when it can be inferred from the circumstances that the respective matter has been finally clarified.

The additional personal data collected during the sending process are deleted latest by after 14 days. At all times, you have the possibility of cancelling your consent for processing the personal data. To do this, simply send a mail to: . All personal data stored while making the contact are deleted immediately in this case.

4.2 Data collection at the time of logging in and double-opt in the newsletter

When signing up for the newsletter, the personal data entered are sent from the input screen to us. In the normal case, you have to enter only your e-mail address. Sometimes, more information like surname, first name and gender are also asked. In addition, your IP address and the date and time of your request are collected automatically and saved in our server.

When you sign-up for our newsletter for the first time, you get a confirmation mail sent to the specified e-mail address. This confirmation mail contains a link, which you have to click for confirming your registration. This so-called double-opt-in method helps in verifying that the owner of the e-mail address has actually authorised the receiving of the newsletter and has agreed to the contents of the newsletter.

All sign-up processes are logged, in order to be able to demonstrate the registration process as complying with the legal requirements. This includes saving the time of registration and confirmation as well as the IP address.

4.3 Execution of purchase orders/offers, etc.

When you take up contact with us, get offers or order our products or services, we process your data as defined in Article 6 (1b) DSGVO for execution of purchase orders or services based on a contract or during contract initiation exclusively for fulfilling the purposes connected with it. This mainly includes information about the address, contact persons and their contact details as well as information about your company or order-related information, for instance, about construction projects.

We do not forward your data to an uninvolved third party, unless this becomes necessary during the execution of the purchase order or the offer or else the third party is a service provider assigned by us pursuant to Article 28 DSGVO (for instance, for operating the ITK systems or for customer service). In case the data is forwarded, you will be informed about this in advance.

5 Explanation for cookies

When you visit the website for the first time, we inform you about the use of cookies and the selection options related to this. If you continue your visit of this website without changing your cookie settings, you agree to the use of cookies on this website. You can change your settings at any time. You can see the text of the cookie consent declaration at the end of the data privacy policy.

Given below is an explanation of the functioning of cookies and similar technologies as well as their use on our website.

5.1 General explanation for cookies

Cookies: Cookies are small data files, which are sent to your browser and are stored by it on the device being used, when you visit a website. Cookies can contain unique identifiers made up of a character string, using which the web pages and the servers can be assigned to the actual Internet browser, in which the cookie was saved. This enables the visited web pages to recognise the respective browser, when a website is opened again.

Cookies can store different information, such as type of browser, operating system used, language settings or other personal page settings, your use of the website, purchase order information or registration information. As a rule, cookies are not used to collect data, which identifies a person directly. However, information collected with cookies can be assigned to a natural person, if it is combined with the personal data of this person, such as an e-mail address.

This website basically uses two different types of cookies.

Session cookies are used for storing the information about your activities on our website for the duration of your visit. Session cookies are deleted as soon as you close your browser.

Permanent cookies are stored on your device for a specific period of time so that we can recognise your browser when you visit our site again during this period. Thanks to these cookies, it becomes possible to create pseudonymous usage profiles and to show you the offers particularly tailor-made for your interests.

When you open this website, cookies are set not only by this website (“First party cookies”), but also by the third party websites (“Third party cookies”). Third party cookies enable the provision of features and functions of a third party on or through our website (e.g., advertisements, interactive contents and analytics). In doing so, some third party providers also collect information via our website about the pages you have visited earlier or about the products, for which you have shown interest, in order thus to show you advertisements, which best match your interests.

Apart from this, sometimes other technologies are used, which work in the same way as cookies and store data in your browser or on your device. Although, it is not possible for you to specifically decline or deactivate these tracking technologies through your browser settings, but they normally work only together with cookies. Accordingly, deactivating the cookies in your browser also leads to a deactivation of these technologies in most of the cases.

All these technologies are hereinafter collectively referred to as “cookies”.

5.2 Types of cookies that we use on our website

First party and third party cookies are used in this website for various reasons. Given below is a comprehensive overview of the different categories of cookies used in this website and the reasons for their use:

Absolutely necessary cookies: These cookies are necessary, so that the fundamental functions of our website work properly, you can navigate on the website, move around on the website and make use of specific functions. It is mandatory for us to use necessary cookies, for instance, in order to identify uniquely registered users so that they can be recognised by the website when they visit again, or in order to make available the contact forms. These cookies are used neither for advertising purposes nor for creating a user or usage profile. They are stored for the duration of your Internet session.

Tracking cookies: We use tracking cookies, in order to settle the commissions on offers made by our business partners, with whom we cooperate. To do this, the tracking cookies document, whether and when a specific offer was clicked. If you subsequently buy something from the participating business partner, the cookie identifies you as coming from our website and we earn our commission. These cookies serve solely the purpose of a correct assignment of sales to the respective offers on our website.

Functional cookies: With the help of these cookies, the settings made by you (e.g., cookie settings) are saved for your next visit.

Performance and web analysis cookies: These cookies collect information about how you use the website e.g., which categories and sub-pages you call frequently, at what time most of the accesses are made or whether you get error messages. All information collected by these cookies is made available to us only in an aggregated form. They are meant exclusively for enhancing and improving the functioning and performance of the website. Web analysis cookies can be assigned by us or by a third party on our behalf and are saved for the duration of your Internet session.

Advertising and targeting cookies: These cookies help us in registering your surfing habits and to provide offers customised and personalised offers on this website for your interests as well as to show you the third party advertisements related to our offers according to your interest. These cookies collect, for instance, information about the offers on this website, for which you show interest. The collection and evaluation is done only pseudonymously and does not allow us to identify you. We also use these cookies for controlling the frequency, with which offers are shown to you so that you do not see the same offer again and again. Moreover, we can collect and evaluate the effectiveness of our advertisements, which we show on third party websites, for statistical and market research purposes. These cookies are mostly used by third party providers on our behalf e.g., by advertising networks or by providers of social networking sites.

5.3 Your selection options

Most of the browsers accept cookies automatically. However, you can configure your browser in such a way that no cookies are stored on your computer or a message is always shown before a new cookie is created. Each browser is a little different, therefore, please read in the Help settings of your browser, how you can manage the browser settings.

If you use different devices (e.g., Smartphone, tablet, computer, etc.), please make sure that every browser on your device conforms to the cookie settings.

Moreover, it is also possible for you to disable the receipt of all cookies via this website, which are not absolutely necessary for the function of the website, click here. In this case, we save a so-called “opt-out” cookie on your device. If you delete the “opt-out cookie” set by us, use a different browser or change the device, you must activate the opt-cookie again. Please also note that the “opt-out cookies” work only when the browser is set in such a way that use of cookies is allowed.

Some Internet browsers offer the possibility of sending “Do Not Track” or “DNT” signals. Uniform standards for “DNT” signals have not yet been developed, therefore, this website currently does not use or respond to the “DNT” signals.

Please note that completely disabling the cookies can cause that you cannot use all the functions of this website.

If you have questions related to the use of cookies and similar technologies used in this website, please send us an e-mail at: .

More information about cookies is also given at www.aboutcookies.org or www.allaboutcookies.org .

6 Use of third party provider technologies

Within our website, we use third party provider technologies for analysis, optimisation and advertising purposes.

These third party providers can collect data about your use of this website and your interaction with its contents and functions, including the total number of visitors to this website, the referrer URL, the pages you visit, date, time and duration of your visit, frequency, banners/links clicked as well as information about the device type, browser version, language settings and geographical location (including country, city, region). The third part providers can also use cookies and register your device identification and IP address.

All information collected is transmitted directly to the server of the third party provider and is stored there. The information is made available to us only anonymously and in statistical form. We do not have any access to the data, which enables us to identify you.

Sometimes, we work together with third party providers, who are established in USA. The data transmission to the service providers in USA is done according to the principles of the so-called EU-US Privacy Shield or based on the so-called standard contractual clauses of the EU Commission. More information about this is given in the clause 7.2.

Given below is an overview and a description of the third party technologies, which can be used in this website.

6.1 Performance or web analysis tools

We use all the performance or web analysis tools only with activated IP anonymisation so that the last three digits of the IP address are deleted immediately after the data is collected and only the shortened IP address is stored on the servers of the respective third party providers.

6.1.1 Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a web analysis service of Google Inc., Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA (“Google”). With the help of cookies, Google collects information about the use of this website by the users. Google uses the collected data on our behalf, in order to evaluate the use of this website, in order to generate reports about the activities on our website and to provide further services to us connected with the use of our website.

The information collected by Google about the use of this website (including the shortened IP address) are saved on servers of Google in the US. Only in exceptional cases, the complete IP address is sent directly to the Google server in the US and is shortened there. As stated by Google, the shortened IP address is not combined with other data by Google. Google deletes the user identifiers stored by Google Analytics (e.g., cookie IDs) automatically after 14 months.

More information about the conditions of use and data privacy of Google Analytics is given at: https://support.google.com/analytics/answer/6004245?hl=de .

Opt-Out: You can prevent the processing of your data by Google Analytics by downloading and installing the browser add-on made available by Google for deactivating Google Analytics, https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl=de .

6.1.2 Google

On the website, we use the marketing and re-marketing functions of Google Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, United States (“Google”). The functions allow us to show more specific advertisements for this website.

To do this, as stated by it, Google saves the following data in the context of display of advertisements: Your web query, the IP address, the browser type, the browser language, the data and time of your query as well as one or more cookies, which sometimes uniquely identify your browser.

More information about how Google handles your data is given in the data privacy regulations of Google: https://www.google.de/policies/privacy/ .

7 Forwarding of information to third parties

We forward your personal data to a third party only when this is necessary for the purpose of presenting this website or our services, because we are committed or authorised to do this contractually or legally, or you have given us your explicit consent to do this.

7.1 Forwarding to service providers

We also work together with technical service providers, who are authorised based on Art. 28 DS-GVO to provide services on our behalf and according to our instructions. These companies can be given access to your data, but only the extent that is necessary for the fulfillment of their respective tasks. Thus, for instance, we assign service providers with the task of sending our newsletter or other marketing services, with web analysis or with infrastructure and IT services.

7.2 Transmission of your data to companies outside of the EU

It can happen the service providers assigned by us are established in a third country i.e., in countries outside of the European Union (EU)/the European Economic Community (EEC). However, we work exclusively with those companies that offer an appropriate level of data privacy according to the specifications of DSGVO.

At present, we are working together with third party providers, who are established in USA. The data transmission to the service providers in USA is done according to the principles of the so-called EU-US Privacy Shield as well as based on the so-called standard contractual clauses of the EU Commission. The EU-US “Privacy Shield” is an agreement made between the European Union and the US, which is meant to ensure the adherence to European data privacy standards in the US. The standard contractual clauses of the EU Commission are a contract, in which the service providers are committed to protect the data of the users, process them conforming to the regulations given in our contract and, in particular, not to pass these on to third parties. We will be happy to provide you with a copy of these standard contractual clauses. To do this, please send us a letter as well as a stamped return envelope to the address given under Clause 9.

8 Your rights

With respect to the processing of your personal data by us, you are entitled to the following rights free of charge.

8.1 Right of cancellation according to Art. 7 DS-GVO

If you have given us your consent to process your data, you have the right to cancel this consent at any time by sending us an e-mail or a letter to our contact address as mentioned below. We will discontinue the processing of your data.

8.2 Right to information according to Art. 15 DSGVO

You have the right at all times to get information about your personal data stored with us. However, we would like to point out that with respect to the pseudonymous usage profiles stored by us, we are not in a position to assign these to individual persons. Accordingly, we cannot give any information about this data, unless you make available to us this information, which enables an assignment of this usage profile to you as a person. We would point this out separately to you when you send us a request.

8.3 Right to rectify and delete according to Art. 16 and 17 DSGVO

You can demand from us the correction of incorrect data and - as far as the legal requirements are fulfilled - the completion or deletion of your data.

8.4 Right to restrict the processing of your data according to Art. 18 DSGVO

You can demand from us to restrict the processing of your data, if all the legal conditions are fulfilled.

8.5 Right to data portability according to Art. 20 DSGVO

If the processing of your data is based on a consent (e.g., dispatch of newsletter), you have to right to get this data in a structured, conventional and machine-readable format.

8.6 Right of objection in case of legal basis “justified interest” pursuant to Art. 21 DSGVO

Under the provisions of Art. 21 Para 1 DSGVO, you also have the right to object to the data processing for reasons, which can result from your special situation. The aforesaid general right to object applies to all the purposes of processing described in this data privacy policy, which are not processed based on a consent given by you. Contrary to the special right of objection to data processing for creating a usage profile according to the Clause 3.2 of this data privacy and cookie policy, we are committed to implement such a general objection only when you mention reasons to us that have an overriding significance (e.g., a possible risk to life or health). In case you wish to make use of this right, please contact us at the address given in the clause 9.

8.7 Right to complain with the supervisory authority

Apart from this, you are also entitled to file a complain with the supervisory authority, if you are of the opinion that your data is being processed under violation of the applicable law. You can get in touch with the data privacy authority for this, which is responsible for your place of residence or state or else with the data privacy authority responsible for us.

The data privacy authority responsible for us is:

The state representative for data privacy and freedom of information Rhineland-Palatinate
Prof. Dr. Dieter Kugelmann
Hintere Bleiche 34
D-55116 Mainz

P. O. Box 3040
D-55020 Mainz

Phone: +49 (0) 6131/208-2449; Fax: +49 (0) 6131/208-2497

9 Contact and data privacy officer

If you have questions related to this data privacy policy, want to assert your rights or have suggestions or complaints with reference to the processing of your personal data, please get in touch with us via e-mail to: . You can also get in touch with our data privacy officer at any time using the following contact details:

Masa GmbH
Data Privacy Officer
Oliver Gönner
Masa-Straße 2
D-56626 Andernach

10 Amendments of this data privacy and cookie policy

We reserve the right to change this data privacy and cookie policy at any time for the future. The respective latest version of this data privacy and cookie policy will be published on the website. Therefore, please always pay attention to the latest version of our data privacy and cookie policy.